Of all the times I'd of thought to start a blog, the last would've been for my dissertation. But the Institute of Communication Studies is apparently more down with the cyber kids than previously known, so here I am, entering the world of online consciousness-streaming in the name of my degree.
That degree being a BA in Cinema, Photography and (a less present) Television, the dissertation takes form as a photographic project, a coalescence of the academic and the vocational to result in a 'Photo-Book'. As well as entering underrepresented world of the coffee-table book, I'm hoping this project shall manifest itself in some larger physical form within the city, but i'll leave that aside for now.
The point of this blog, I have decided, is to enable the mapping of a handy linear narrative of all that's going in mind and on lens, complete with my musings as to what they mean. I think i'll also post up images of inspiration or relevance in some form, trying to fuse the creative and academic components of my project journey in one easy bite-sized scroll.
In the name of our thrilling interactive globalised world I encourage you to give me all the feedback and critique you feel to, though do bare in mind my tutor shall be reading and engaging with this space too, so nothing inappropriate kids.